International Students
International Students contribute to the vibrant global community at Penn State. The pages within this section provide information for prospective and current international students as well as international alumni.
Before You Arrive
Contact ISSA
Commonwealth Campus Advisers
Health Insurance Mandate
International Student Welcome (ISW)
Life at Penn State
Mandatory Immigration (SEVIS) Check-In
Sponsored Students
Understanding Your Legal Requirements
Penn State Global is not involved in the academic portion of the admissions process. Here is some information regarding admission:
Before You Arrive
In this section prospective international students will find information about requesting or refusing an I-20 or DS-2019, insurance and financial requirements, and other essential pre-arrival information.
Dependents (Spouse & Children)
Only spouses and children (under 21) may come as dependents of the F-1 or J-1 visa holder. Health insurance is mandatory for accompanying dependents. The B-2 (visitor) visa is applicable for parents, siblings, domestic partners, and other family members who wish to visit you. ISSA cannot issue documents for B-2 visitor visas or advise on B-2 issues.
Employment for F-1 and J-1 students is limited, and working without permission is a violation of status and a deportable offense. F-1 and J-1 students may not work off campus without written permission from International Student and Scholar Advising (ISSA). On-campus employment is permitted with certain restrictions. J-1 students must request permission for on-campus employment via iStart. A Social Security number is required for anyone receiving payment. ISSA can assist you with this process.
Penn State is a public university that receives some funding from the government and from taxpayers. There is, at this time, essentially no financial aid available for international undergraduate students. U.S. Citizenship or legal permanent residency is a requirement for federal funds; Pennsylvania residency is a further requirement for state funds.
Login to iStart to access forms below or click on the form you need to go directly to the form.
Health Insurance
It is mandatory for all international students in F-1 and J-1 status and for their accompanying dependents to have health insurance. Additionally, the U.S. Department of State requires that all J-1 exchange visitors (students, scholars, interns, etc.) and their dependents maintain health insurance. Willful violation of this mandate requires termination of the J-1 status.
ISSA Webinars Spring 2024
This semester, ISSA has prepared a variety of informational workshops for you to attend virtually. We have organized them by topic. Please click on the date in order to register for the webinar and receive reminders. We look forward to seeing you at some of the workshops this semester. We are offering webinars on the following topics:
Mandatory Immigration Check-In for SEVIS Registration
All students in initial or transfer F-1 and J-1 status are required to complete Immigration Check-In to be registered in SEVIS (Student and Exchange Visitor Information System). International Student and Scholar Advising staff (ISSA) must receive and review your immigration documents and contact information, including address and telephone data, to register you as an active student in SEVIS.
Sponsored Students
Penn State University welcomes international sponsored students. International sponsored students are undergraduate or graduate students who have received or will receive financial support from a corporation, nonprofit organization, or foreign government. These students must adhere to the requirements of their academic program(s), immigration regulations, and sponsoring organizations during their time at Penn State University. Penn State University provides the support, infrastructure, and services necessary to ensure successful sponsored student programing.
We are all subject to taxation in the U.S. Even as an international student and scholar in the U.S., you are subject to taxes. In some cases your tax obligation matches that of everyone in the U.S., and in some cases, you will have different rules.
Understanding Your Legal Requirements
This section contains information about maintaining your F-1 and J-1 immigration status. While Penn State’s international student advisers can assist you in understanding the benefits, requirements, and limitations of your status, it is ultimately your responsibility to maintain your immigration status. Please read the information in this section carefully.
International Student Welcome
Success at Penn State begins with International Student Welcome. ISW is designed to help you.
If you are a continuing student in valid F-1 or J-1 status taking a short trip or summer break abroad and will return to the U.S. to continue your academic program or authorized employment, plan ahead and get all documents in order.
International Student Advisers at Commonwealth and Professional Campuses
International Student Advisers provide guidance on visa, immigration, employment, finances, and how academics affect legal status in the United States, in addition to other important information. Penn State Abington Dagmara Karnowski Senior International Student Adviser 1600 Woodland Road 121 Sutherland Bldg. Abington, PA 19001 (215) 881-7628 Office hours: Tuesday 12:30pm-2:30pm and Thursday 10:00am-12:00pm Schedule appointment in Starfish
Life at Penn State
Learn more about living in Pennsylvania.
Contact ISSA
International Student and Scholar Advising, (ISSA) is the authorized representative for Penn State international students and scholars with the Departments of State and Homeland Security. ISSA is committed to providing international students, scholars, and faculty the highest level of expertise in advising, immigration services, and training in support of Penn State's teaching, research and outreach objectives. Although our office is physically located at the University Park Campus, we work with international students at all 24 Penn State campus locations throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.