Permanent Residency

Sponsorship for permanent residency at Penn State currently applies primarily to tenure track teaching positions, as these are the only positions determined to be “permanent” in nature.  Any position which has an end date, even if the funding is guaranteed for several years, does not fall under Penn State’s definition of “permanent”.

The majority of Penn State’s permanent residency cases are filed as Employment-Based Second Preference (EB-2) for university teachers, which requires a Labor Certification.

The Outstanding Professor/Researcher (EB-1) category is used with discretion.  We normally use this category only for tenured faculty or at the request of a college dean.

The Initiation of the Permanent Residency Process

It is very important that International Faculty Advising be notified as soon as the offer is made to a tenured or tenure-track faculty member so the green card process can proceed without missing important deadlines.

Please contact International Faculty Advising for additional information.

International Faculty Advising
402 Boucke Building
University Park, PA 16802
Telephone: (814) 865-0423