Find Your University Park College Representative

Education Abroad encourages all students to contact the international programs/education abroad coordinator in their respective college on the University Park campus while planning a study abroad program. These coordinators are an excellent resource for students and can help with the following:

  • Selecting a program that will fit with the student's academic plan
  • Identifying programs that are tailored to the student's major
  • Notifying the student of any college- or department-specific policies regarding study abroad
Agricultural SciencesKetja LingenfelterAssistant Director for Student Global Engagement
Arts & ArchitectureKyrie HardingAcademic Advising Manager
Bellisario College of CommunicationsDel SchwabAcademic Adviser
Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS)Patricia SchemppAcademic Adviser
EducationLeila BradaschiaDirector of International Programs
Earth & Mineral SciencesMichael GordonAcademic Adviser
Eberly College of ScienceJoel WatersCoordinator of Education Abroad and International Programs
EngineeringSara KuhlmanCoordinator of International Experiences 
Health & Human DevelopmentCarrie LittleEngaged Learning Specialist
Information Science & TechnologyMary MorrowAcademic Adviser
The Liberal ArtsJerry DribanInternational and Government Career Coordinator
Smeal College of BusinessElizabeth LabrinInternational Programs Coordinator (Academic Adviser)
Schreyer Honors CollegeRichard StollerCoord. of Academic Advising/International Programs
University Park Representatives