The Easy Guide to Study Abroad Scholarships

This guide should be used as a starting point when looking for scholarships and other financial aid to defray the costs of studying abroad. It is not, however, a comprehensive list of all available scholarships. Students are encouraged to search on their own for additional funding, and through the databases provided on our External Scholarship Databases webpage.

Some of the scholarships listed here are offered through the Education Abroad Office, while other scholarships listed are offered through specific colleges or departments at Penn State or other outside organizations

For more information, including full eligibility requirements and deadlines, follow the link provided for each scholarship.

AwardAmountEligibilityFall/Academic Year DeadlineSpring DeadlineSummer Deadline
Education Abroad Student Access and Success Grant$500-$2,000Penn State students on any approved Education Abroad program. No application required.  Students are selected based on financial need and academic merit, as determined via LionPATH and/or education and program application/enrollment.VariesVariesVaries
Federal Pell Grant & Gilman Scholarship Guarantee$750-$1,200Guaranteed scholarship for every Federal Pell Grant recipient that is approved to study abroad through any Penn State-approved education abroad program. Federal Pell Grant recipients who submit a completed application for the national Gilman Scholarship Program & attend an info session will automatically increase their Penn State Global guaranteed scholarship amount.VariesVariesVaries
Embedded Programs Scholarship$500 or $1,000Penn State undergraduate & graduate students participating on officially recognized faculty-led embedded programs. No application is required.  Students are selected based on their financial need and academic merit, with financial need being the primary determining factor. Preference may be given to students with no previous Penn State education abroad experience.  To be considered, students should confirm their intent to travel with their course leader and enroll in the credit-bearing academic course(s) associated with the embedded course travel.NoneNoneNone
CIEE Guaranteed Discount$500, $1,250, or $2,000 Penn State undergraduate students on approved CIEE semester and summer programs; all Penn State students are guaranteed $500 for summer programs; $1,250 for 2-block Open Campus; $2,000 for fall/spring semester or 3-block Open Campus. There is no scholarship application for this automatic discount.  Discount amounts listed here are valid for spring 2024, summer 2024, and fall 2024 terms only.NoneNoneNone
IES Abroad High-Impact Aid Commitment$500-$7,000Penn State undergraduate students participating in Penn State-approved IES Abroad programs are guaranteed a scholarship if they have a FAFSA on file and submit the IES Abroad scholarship application on the IES Abroad website.VariesVariesVaries
Education Abroad Africa & Latin America Grant-in-Aid$500-$2,000Penn State undergraduate students on semester programs to Africa or Latin America. Apply online through your program application. Mar. 1Sept. 10Feb 1
Education Abroad Grant-In-Aid$500-$2,000Penn State undergraduate students on semester programs, need-based, and merit. Apply online through your program application.Mar. 1Sept. 10Feb 1.
Education Abroad Whole World Scholarship$500, $1,000, or $2,000Penn State undergraduate students on semester programs in non-traditional locations. Apply online through your program application. Mar. 1Sept. 10Feb 1.
Scholarships Available Through the Education Abroad Office


AwardAmountEligibilityFall/Academic Year DeadlineSpring DeadlineSummer Deadline
College of Agricultural Sciences International Programs AwardsVariesAgricultural Sciences majors studying abroad.VariesVariesVaries
College of Education - Erma M. Hefferan ScholarshipVariesEducation majors studying abroad.VariesVariesVaries
College of Engineering International Travel Grant$500-$5,000Engineering majors studying abroad.Mar. 1Sept. 10Feb. 1
College of Liberal Arts Student Enrichment FundsVariesFull-time Liberal Arts majors studying abroad.RollingRollingRolling
Bellisario College of Communications ScholarshipsVariesCommunications majors studying abroad.VariesVariesVaries
Eberly College of Science Travel GrantVariesEberly Science majors studying abroad.Mar. 1Sept. 10Feb. 1
Penn State Behrend ScholarshipsVariesPenn State Behrend students studying abroad.VariesVariesVaries
Penn State Harrisburg ScholarshipsUp to $1,000Penn State Harrisburg students studying abroad.VariesVariesVaries
Penn State International Affairs and Debate Association Scholarship$500Penn State student studying abroad during any term.May 10May 10May 10
Penn State Student Engagement Network GrantsUp to $3,000Penn State undergraduate students studying abroad during any term.VariesVariesMid-March
Schreyer Ambassador Travel Grant$250-$1,500Schreyer students studying abroad.Sept. 1Nov. 1Apr. 1
Smeal International Study ScholarshipVariesSmeal students - preference given to students studying a foreign language.VariesVariesN/A
Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Mentoring OfficeVariesVariesVariesVariesVaries
Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies VariesCAMS majors participating in CAMS-sponsored programs.VariesVariesVaries
Scholarships Available Through Various Colleges, Departments, and Commonwealth Campuses


AwardAmountEligibilityFall/Academic Year DeadlineSpring DeadlineSummer Deadline
Arcadia University Scholarships$250-$2,500Students participating on Arcadia programs; financial need.RollingRollingRolling
Big 10-SPA: Minnesota Scholarship$1,000-$1,500Non-Minnesota students participating on a Penn State-approved Big 10-SPA program.Apr. Oct.Mar.
CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange) Scholarships$500-$5,000Students participating on CIEE programs.Apr. 1Nov. 1Apr. 1
DIS ScholarshipsVariesStudents participating on DIS programs. Apr. 1Oct. 15Mar. 15
IES Abroad ScholarshipsVariesStudents participating on IES programs.VariesVariesVaries
University of Leeds Santander Award500 GBPPenn State students studying at the University of Leeds on semester exchange.Aug. 31Dec. 15N/A
SFS (School for Field Studies) ScholarshipsVariesStudents participating on SFS programs.VariesVariesVaries
Scholarships Available Through Study Abroad Providers and Exchange Partners


AwardAmountEligibilityFall/Academic Year DeadlineSpring DeadlineSummer Deadline Study Abroad Scholarship$2,000This scholarship is for one black female-identifying college student who is enrolled at an accredited college or university in the United States of America, Puerto Rico, or the US Virgin IslandsApril 23N/AApril 23
Boren (NSEP) Scholarships for Study AbroadVariesUnited States citizens studying in Boren-identified non-traditional locations.Dec. 1 Dec. 1N/A
Bridging Scholarships for Study in Japan$2,500-$4,000United States citizens/permanent residents studying in Japan.Apr. Oct. N/A
Bruce Alan Ebersole Foundation Scholarship$1,500Funding for a student's participation in a summer program focused on public policy or international relations.N/AN/AJan. 31
BUTEX (British Universities Transatlantic Exchange Association)500 GBPNorth American students studying in the United Kingdom.May 31May 31N/A
Diversity Abroad ScholarshipsVariesStudents in all fields of study who meet the required Diversity CriteriaNov.N/ANov.
Freeman Awards for Study in AsiaVariesFreeman-ASIA accepts applications from U.S. citizens or permanent residents studying at the undergraduate level at a two-year or four-year college or university who demonstrate financial need to study abroad in East or Southeast Asia.Apr. 1VariesMar. 1
Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) ScholarshipsUp to $10,000Fund for Education Abroad awards "general" and "dedicated" scholarships for United States citizens and permanent residents.VariesVariesVaries
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) ScholarshipVariesStudents studying abroad in Germany.VariesVariesVaries
Generation Study Abroad Excellence and Travel AwardsUp to $2,000United States citizens or permanent residents who have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and plan to study abroad in New ZealandApr. 30Dec. 1N/A
Gilman International Scholarship ProgramUp to $5,000United States citizens receiving Pell Grants; must be abroad at least three weeks.Mar. Oct. Oct. for early deadline; otherwise Mar.
Gilman-McCain Scholarship for Children of Active Duty Military PersonnelUp to $5,000United States citizens who receive any type of federal financial aid; must be a dependent child of an active-duty military member(s)Oct.Oct.Oct. for early deadline; otherwise Mar.
Golden Key National Honor Society Study Abroad Scholarships$1,000Society members only.VariesVariesVaries
Go Overseas New Zealand Scholarship$15,000Students studying in New Zealand for a semester or academic year. No GPA requirement.Mid-OctoberMid-OctoberN/A
Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Support Grant$1,000Open to members and non-members.Apr. 1Apr. 1N/A
Huayu Enrichment Scholarship$800/monthStudents studying Mandarin in Taiwan.VariesVariesVaries
Institute of International Education (IIE)VariesAn online searchable database of many scholarship opportunities from various sources.VariesVariesVaries
International Education Financial AidVariesAn online searchable database of many scholarship opportunities from various sources.VariesVariesVaries
Masa Israel Grants & ScholarshipsVariesApplicants must be of Jewish descent, between the ages of 18 and 30, and show proof of acceptance to an Israeli university. Applicants must not have Israeli citizenship OR if you do, must have left Israel before the age of 14 and have lived outside of Israel for at least four consecutive years prior to receiving a grant. Other eligibility criteria may apply.VariesVariesVaries
National Society of Collegiate Scholars ScholarshipsVariesUndergrad National Society of Collegiate Scholars members only.VariesVariesVaries
Pennsylvania Council for International Education and The Asia Institute Global Education Scholarship$1,000Students attending a university or college in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania seeking to participate in a global learning experience in Asia.Mar. 1Mar. 1Mar. 1
Rotary Foundation GrantsVariesVariesVariesVariesVaries
StudyAbroad.comVariesOnline listing of dozens of scholarships from various sources.VariesVariesVaries
Study Abroad Scholarships for AustraliaVariesStudy abroad in Australia.VariesVariesVaries
Scholarships Available Through External Sources