Commonwealth Campuses Group Travel Grant Application

Thank you for your interest in submitting an application and supporting materials for the Commonwealth Campuses Group Travel Grant.  Before submitting your application for consideration, please review the guidelines, criteria, and deadlines for the grant.

1 Start 2 Complete
Please provide dates (MM/DD/YYYY) of travel.
Cost to the student should include expenses such as airfare, lodging, meals, site visit fees, other academic activity costs, and may also include costs of the traveling faculty or staff members divided equally among the students. If need for explanation, space is provided.
This grant is typically awarded at levels of $3,000-4,000, depending on the quality of the application, how well it meets the defined evaluation criteria, the amount of matching funding available from the campus, and the number of qualified applications received during each application cycle. What is the amount of the grant that you are requesting?
Has the Chancellor and/or Director of Academic Affairs provided evidence that the campus will match any funds awarded via this grant?
I understand and agree that my grant application will not be considered complete until I submit the following required materials via email to 1. course syllabus or syllabi, 2. travel itinerary that shows planned activities abroad, 3. letter of support from Chancellor, Director of Academic Affairs, or Academic Officer.