Emergency Loans

Students who encounter unforeseen financial emergencies may be eligible for an ISSA Emergency Loan.


Emergencies must be due to an unforeseen delay in expected funds or necessary expenses that could not be foreseen (such as medical bills). Applicants must be able to demonstrate an ability to repay the loan within a limited period of time.


Students who have not repaid a previous emergency loan on time are not eligible to apply. Students who are not registered full-time, or do not have formal approval from ISSA to be less-than-full-time, are not eligible. Loans are not given over semester breaks.

Duration and Amount

Loans are given for up to 90 days; under unusual circumstances, the due date may be extended slightly. Normally, the maximum amount of an emergency loan is $600.

Interest and Fees

There are no fees. Loans are interest free unless not repaid on time, in which case interest begins to accrue on the date after the loan was due.


Students who have an outstanding overdue loan will have a hold placed on their records and will not be able to register, graduate or conduct other transactions with Penn State.

Application Procedures

International students who wish to apply for an ISSA Emergency Loan should see an international student adviser.